Brazilian Conference on Rheology (BCR)
General Information
The conference is supported by The Brazilian Society of Rheology, a member of The International Committee of Rheology. The event aims to bring together professionals, academics, and students fostering a multidisciplinary environment conducive to the dissemination of knowledge, exchange of ideas, and the establishment of partnerships and collaborations.
Areas of Interest
- Industrial rheology
- Polymeric fluids
- Blends and composites
- Emulsions, foams and interfacial rheology
- Colloids and glasses
- Microrheology and microfluidics
- Suspensions and granular materials
- Biomaterials and biological fluids
- Food rheology
- Viscoplasticity and thixotropy
- Advances in rheometric techniques and experimental methods
- Advances in constitutive equations
- Non-Newtonian fluid mechanics
X BCR 2024

Congress Program
Click on the link below to download the updated congress program and the book of abstracts in PDF format.
Congress Statistics (updated 02 August 2024)

Best Poster Award 2024
The inaugural Best Poster Award at BCR 2024 encourages high-quality research in rheology and non-Newtonian fluids by students and postdocs, showcasing original, excellent work.
Criteria: Relevance of the topic to the field of rheology; Abstract Quality; Effectiveness and professionalism of the presentation; Clarity and quality of the discussions and conclusions; Significance and impact of the results and discoveries obtained.
A scientific technical committee evaluated the works and selected a winner of BCR 2024. The winner was:
Presenter: Matheus Pinto Xavier
Work Title: Displacement flow through enlared regions in annular ducts
Organization and sponsors
BCRX 2024 was organized by GReo at PUC-Rio, supported by CNPq, CAPES, INCT Rheo, and sponsored by ReoTerm, Netzsch, Anton Paar, and Waters.
More information
If you need any assistance after the event (e.g., certificate or invoice), please send an email to [email protected].